
MixedHunt | News

Friday, January 20, 2017

Man Uses Mobile Studio to Bring Cops and Community Together

This mobile music studio is bringing local kids and police officers together. "This is our Popper Stopper, and now back here we have, like, six sub woofers. These guys are just, they were just so tense and ready to put it on anybody, but I showed up there and they saw that they could record a song in the studio, it was just, totally took their mind off the pain. They can be in the studio, they're safe, they'll be creative, they'll be able to get what's inside of them that's and (the) good out" says DJ Mike Boston. He wanted to create a healthy outlet for growing tensions in his neighborhood. Boston converted his father's old truck into a studio and launched black with blue, a campaign that aims to bring more understanding between the community and police. Police say this connection is crucial to establishing realistic peace in the community. "I was immediately like, 'Absolutely.'  Itg's about every day especially when it's quiet. It's about building real relationships and everlasting relationships" says Nora Baston (Police Deputy Superintendent). They even created a song and music video together. All proceeds from sales go to the local boys and girls club.

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