
MixedHunt | News

Friday, January 6, 2017

Cadillac might've invented a new business model for the auto industry

Car ownership might be on the way out, Cadillac's new subscription program lets you drive any of its cars for $1500 a month, insurance & maintenance included. You can switch cars up to 18 times in one year. So that means you could have a Sedan for the spring, an suv for the winter, and a Coupe for the summer. There's no long term contract so you can unsubscribe anytime you want. And when you do, switch your car. The new one is delivered to you with your radio stations, seat positions and preferences already in place. While Cadillac specializes in luxury cars, $1500 may be too expensive for some. Hopefully other manufacturers will come out with a cheaper version of this soon.  

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