
MixedHunt | News

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

This shark had three offspring – without a partner

This female zebra shark had three offspring without mating. Leonie lived with a male partner in an Australian aquarium. But after having several offspring, she was moved to a separate tank and only shares that tank with her female offspring. Two years after the separation, both mother and child laid eggs, but they were not fertilized. The following year, both mother and child laid eggs again. This time containing offspring. Scientists thought that the shark could have been storing sperms. But analysis showed the new pups only have the mother's DNA, meaning they had entered asexual reproduction. This is the 3rd documentation case of a species switching from sexual to asexual. Researchers say they plan to monitor the mother and her offspring for a few years to understand why it happened and how asexual reproduction works.

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