
MixedHunt | News

Friday, December 30, 2016

This person hunts for treasure underwater – and helps clean up the environment

This man hunts for treasure underwater. He has found gopros, iphones, knives and even guns. But don't worry, 25 year old Jake Koehler returns the lost electronics to their owners and the weapons to police. Jake Koehler (Underwater Treasure Hunter) - "I go treasure hunting pretty much everyday when the water is clear." Koehler uses simple like a snorkel, goggles and flippers. He also helps clean up the water on his hunts like, freeing sea animals from hooks, removing fishing lines and picking up trash. Koehler says his treasure hunts can be dangerous, has been caught by fishing line before. "Just know your surroundings, know how the current works, because you don't want to get sucked down and possibly drown. I've gotten close." Koehler hunt for treasure full time and he doesn't plan on stopping. "I was able actually to make a full-time job doing what I love to do and helping out the environment. So, if you guys have a dream and you want to possibly help out the environment a little bit, go for it man, give it a try."  

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