
MixedHunt | News

Monday, December 19, 2016

Police thought this mannequin was a woman who had frozen to death

Police of Hudson broke into a car to save an elderly woman that was "frozen to death'. But it was just a really realistic mannequin. Some one called 911 to report that an elderly woman was frozen and locked in a car. Police showed up and broke the car window to rescue her only to discover it wasn't a real person. The owner of the car is a medical salesman and the woman was a CPR dummy. " Just to clear the record, all citizens of Hudson should be put on notice that if you park your locked vehicle on the street on a sub-zero night with a life-like realistic mannequin seated in it... we will break your window." Luckily this wasn't a real emergency but that guy probably should keep his dummy out of the front seat next time.

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