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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

John Cena made this kid with cerebral palsy's dream come true

This boy, living with cerebral palsy met his hero John Cena. "We use you for physical therapy and everything. He is your ultimate fan" says the boy's dad. For 'WWE Live: Road to Wrestle mania' Peyton and his father Justin had ringside seats. "I saw you at ringside! Dude! You got a shirt and a wristband, right?" - John Cena. John Cena wasn't in their meet and greet package. [AdSense-A] "You have no idea. We use you for physical therapy and everything. He is your ultimate fan. But he gave Peyton this amazing surprise. "You are the reason why he's able to use this arm right here. You are very strong!" - Cena added.

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